Global Kitchen Co.,Ltd.
Nippon Kitchen,Inc.
商品開発においては、パームインターナショナルテニスアカデミー校長、医学博士の杉山芙紗子さん。女子栄養大学名誉教授、医学博士、糖尿病専門医、糖尿病研修指導医、認定臨床栄養指導医の田中明先生。文教大学 健康栄養学部教授、農学博士、管理栄養士の笠岡誠一先生方からのご指導、監修をいただいて栄養学、医学的見地による商品、献立を提供しています。
Global Kitchen Co.,Ltd.
“Meal” in our daily lives is very important as a source for people to live long and healthy lives. Especially in today's society, "Meal" for the elderly is not just about filling their stomachs on a daily basis, but is also very important for maintaining and improving health, preventing disease, and even for mental health.
However, serious problems related to "Meal" are emerging, such as loss of appetite due to changes in the living environment of the elderly, loss of interest in "Meal" and nutritional deficiencies.
Against this social backdrop, we established a subsidiary company named "Global Kitchen" in July 2011 to solve problems related to "Meal" in the aging society.
Our main business is the development and marketing of pre-cooked frozen meal products. Our product is quick-frozen, so it retains the nutritional value and taste. It’s easy to prepare and can be defrosted and served without the need for specialized staff, thus reducing cooking time. Our dietitians provide menus that are nutritionally balanced and colorful, reducing the time and effort required for menu planning.
Improved work efficiency and working conditions for families and staff serving meals are required in an aging society, especially in nursing care and welfare. We are proud that our "Pre-Prepared Meal" which can easily provide nutritionally balanced and tasty meals under any circumstances, can not only provide "Safety and Security" but also improve the environment.
In addition, the elderly tend to lose their appetite for Meal due to physical aging, functional decline, and changes in their environment. They also lack nutritional awareness, so a serious situation has emerged where they fall into a "Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) " causing frail immune function, muscle weakness, and depression. Our menu development focuses not only on maintaining nutritional value, but also on "Taste" and "Appearance" to stimulate appetite. We also offer "Soft Meals" that maintain the original form of the ingredients as much as possible, even in the case of soft meals, and these have been well received.
In our product development, we have received guidance and supervision from the following people to provide products and menus from a nutritional and medical perspective,
Dr. Fusako Sugiyama, Principal of Palm International Tennis Academy, M.D.
Dr. Akira Tanaka, professor emeritus at Kagawa Nutrition University, medical doctor, diabetes specialist, diabetes resident advisor, and certified clinical nutrition advisor
Dr. Seiichi Kasaoka, Professor, Faculty of Health and Nutrition, Bunkyo University, Doctor of Agriculture, Registered Dietitian
For any requests and needs to use our products at home, we offer nutritionally adjusted meals that are easy to prepare and provide nutritional control, as well as personal sales (mail order) of soft and mousse meals for those with weak swallowing and chewing skills and we also sell hygiene supplies for elderly care facilities. In September 2024, we opened a Certified Nutrition Care Station, a facility specializing in nutritional care, to provide a wide range of nutritional counseling services.
Our products are currently used by more than 6,000 facilities throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa including the nursing care facilities named ”Care Village" and "Viva Village" operated by our group and "Yanagishima Kitchen" located in Yanagishima Sports Park actively use local ingredients and provide "meals" for a healthy body with a good balance of nutritional value and salt content.
- グローバルキッチン
- 柳島キッチン(柳島スポーツ公園内レストラン)

With a history of making a living as an inn from the Edo period (1603-1867) to the early Meiji period (1868-1912), our company has long served as an important rest house for customers traveling on the Tokaido Highway which is a major road in Japan.
In the modern era, we have developed diverse businesses to enrich people's lives as a comprehensive lifestyle company that " works for the needs of the community. We aim to make life more convenient, safer, and more enjoyable and affluent. Currently we are striving to provide this passion not only domestically but also internationally.
We marketed frozen ready meals at the "Chigasaki Fair" held at the Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu in October 2017. The local people were very interested in our products, and we received high praise for our safe and health-conscious products as well as for their taste. This achievement was a valuable experience for us as we hope to spread our familiar "Meal" culture to the wider world.

世界の多くの人々が長い人生を豊かに送るために大切な「健康」という意識を高く持つようになった今、私たちは長い歴史の中で日本人の体や心を健やかに培ってきた「和食」という食文化を世界に向けて発信したいと考えました。そして、より健康的な食習慣を多くの人に広めたいという想いを実現するために2024年、共にまちづくりを行う仲間と『NIPPON KITCHEN』をアメリカに設立しました。
The variety of Japanese cuisine is diverse, especially those known as " ready meals " which are made from ingredients that are familiar to the average household. Having a small variety of ready meals of different kinds helps us to have a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet.
As people around the world are focusing on "health" as an important factor to lead a long and prosperous life, we would like to introduce to the world the food culture of "WASHOKU" which has cultivated a healthy body and mind of the Japanese people throughout its long history. In 2024, we established "NIPPON KITCHEN" in the U.S. with our colleagues who are working together to develop the community in order to realize our desire to spread healthier eating habits to as many people as possible. Our products are processed and frozen at the place of origin with the best broth, the best marine foodstuffs & mountain-based foodstuffs selected from all over Japan, and the best seasonal ingredients harvested at the most delicious time of the year. We believe that our products are world-class products incorporating " quick and easy " while maintaining the high quality and taste of our products.
We hope you will find our products useful in making your diet healthier and richer.